Sentence dictionary
goascorán river
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goascoran river
According to a World Court bulleting issued in The Hague, El Salvador is challenging only the part of the decision that applies to 70.6 square kilometers ( 28.2 square miles ) of delta lan...
El Salvador's complaint is linked to an alleged shift in the Rio Goascoran in 1762. Foreign Minister Maria Eugenia Brizuela presented argued that newly discovered maps prove that the bed o...
rio goascoran
El Salvador's complaint is linked to an alleged shift in the Rio Goascoran in 1762.
gila river indian community of the gila river indian reservation
"' Ida Redbird "'( 1892-1971 ) was a potter from the Gila River Indian Community of the Gila River Indian Reservation in Arizona.
nashua river wild and scenic river study act
The Nashua River Wild and Scenic River Study Act would amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate certain segments concerning the Nashua River in Massachusetts for study for potenti...
new river gorge national river
The railroad depot is now a visitor center for New River Gorge National River. The Summit Bechtel Reserve is located adjacent to the New River Gorge National River. New River Gorge Nationa...
river to river festival
In 2012, Wachner collaborated with visual artist Erika Harrsch to create a work for The River to River Festival. On July 14, 2009, " Vanishing Point " was screened at New York's River To R...
river to river relay
The River to River Relay, the first of which was organized in 1987 with Gordon Pitz as the Race Director, is held annually sometime in April to not coincide with Easter weekend. The "'Rive...
river to river trail
River To River Trail-Premier hiking trail in southern Illinois. The park is served by the River to River Trail. The trail connects to several trails including the River to River Trail; the...
russian river state marine reserve and russian river state marine conservation area
The Russian River State Marine Reserve and Russian River State Marine Conservation Area protect the Russian River Estuary. Russian River State Marine Reserve and Russian River State Marine...
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